
More Than Precious More from our clients

Raul Destura
Barcelona, Spain
I wanted my home to be different and original and thereby have a special kind of quality and uniqueness.
Andreas Kohen
New York, USA
Following and buying an artist over time constantly makes us look on both new and old works at the same time and thus keep the Collection alert. If the artist is interesting enough (in our opinion and taste), there is an interplay that constantly seems to make the works look better and stronger.
Laura Baxter
Los Angeles, USA
Virtosu artworks intend to provoke reflection on the form, status, and function attributed to their art. Whether 2015, 2016 or 2017 collections or other – the works are really interesting. I’m pleased when just sitting there or walking around.
Lee Donohew
Ohio, USA
We have a Collection of international art. This is a diverse Collection governed by our personal taste and preference and what we have been able to acquire. Thus, some years ago, we managed to buy a number of works in the gallery and we are really happy.
Lisa Watkins
London, UK
I am quite sure it stems from the fact that I wanted to have a unique home that I had created myself and that would provide me with both a calm and a spark (challenge) to live in. I started buying art from gallery as from the beginning I was more interested in their art objects.
Susan Goodman
Paris, France
Collecting nowadays has changed, and it is more of everything and everything seems to move much faster. Mass production and factory fabrication have turned artists into more of designers. There is an abundance of information everywhere, and it has become harder to filter what really is of interest to us. The gallery is indeed exclusive, I’m happy with works I bought here.
Robert Stuer
Nevada, USA
Knowing the Artists is very important – and I think – a necessary part of being a Collector. The knowing of and being together with the artist is part of building and educating you as a Collector. The more you know the artist and of his/her work, the more you can understand it and thereby, hopefully, enjoy and appreciate it. Also, it is easier to work with and support the artist if you have a personal relationship. We have made sure over all the years to meet frequently.
Rebecca Nelson
Frankfurt, Germany
I am not a consultant. The cliché here is following your heart – but educate it first!
Pier Sonier
Paris, France
Professionals at Virtosu’s are dedicated to finding the perfect piece to fit your taste and complement your collection. Searching for unique pieces by great artists, I found personalized attention that ensures i find art work to suit my individual needs.
Razvan Biancu
Bucuresti, Romania
Since collecting art is more personal taste and less investment skill, the individual collector must rely first on what inspires them before considering what working within the art market entails.
Renske de Boer
Amsterdam, Netherlands
I visited various galleries and artists’ studios, and one day at an opening, I saw a drawing that attracted me so much that I asked the gallerist if it was for sale. I got the work and brought it home the same day.
Miyake Jou
Tokyo, Japan
Two years ago, I was in Geneva for a private event. There was this Virtosu (Female Samurai Warrior ‘2017’) that made me really fall in love. It was like if there was nothing else around me, just me and the paining, I had never seen something so beautiful in my whole life. I stayed in that room staring at that painting as long as I could, like if I could keep a part of it in my mind. I bought it the following week.
Benito Mongiello
Parma, Italy
I want to focus on the artists of my time, I want to know them and follow their work and career. Especially in Italy, many collectors focus on foreign artists. I want to support the artists of my generation – this is my goal, my ambition, and I hope that my collection will grow with them.
Jannik Waismann
Viena, Austria
If you don’t know the past, the movements and styles of the past, you can’t actually understand what’s happening now and the art that is being produced now. I like the role the gallery chose, educating abstract art in good taste.