Virtosu Art Gallery Your Art Consultant
The need for knowledgeable Art Consultants
5 April '19
Virtosu Art Gallery your art consultant

by Alina Livneva

5 April '19

Virtosu Art Gallery Your Art Consultant

The need for knowledgeable Art Consultants

Art collecting and investment is on the rise. Spanning from the growth of online sales to private collections and museums around the world, the practice of buying art is becoming more popular than ever. With the increase of new buyers comes the need for knowledgeable Art Consultants, because what constitutes a valuable work of art is a little trickier than a simple matter of taste.

However, any successful artist or gallery needs to understand where their art fits in the marketplace in order to continue to produce the art they love. An artist or gallery cannot live on creativity alone, and in order to earn money as well as respect, all artists and galleries need to find a market for their artwork or risk losing out on a career or business that they love. This is where the guidance and mentorship of an art consultant can prove extremely beneficial.

Gheorghe Virtosu has worked with Virtosu Art Gallery throughout his career. He describes his consultant as an “extraordinary ally” and apportions a large part of the credit for his flourishing career to the mentorship and guidance of a consultant who understands him, his art, the marketplace and the business of being an artist.

In addition to providing support and guidance in making business decisions, Virtosu Art Gallery has helped him make connections and placed his art in prestigious collections.

An art consultant is, then, more than an agent who can find a place for complete work. A consultant works alongside an artist to:

-stimulate their creativity;

-constructively question their choices;

-advise them on becoming a success both artistically and financially.

Consulting on Collections

As part of developing our network, Virtosu Art Gallery built relationships with a wide range of contacts in the creative world. This makes us exceptionally well-placed to bring together artists and exhibition spaces to create collections that are well-curated and successful.

Art consultants have a major role to play in bringing together gallery collections for major exhibitions. With a wide range of contacts, Virtosu Art Gallery has a huge amount to offer gallery owners, museums and corporates in bringing together original abstract art for exhibitions that will attract visitors.

One of the ways in which Virtosu Art Gallery adds value to curators and galleries is in our understanding of artistic trends and which artists are currently producing work that will capture the titles of famous abstract paintings and famous contemporary artists.

While artist’s agents have a responsibility to promote the work of the artists on their books, Virtosu Art Gallery is able to stretch beyond a small pool of represented artists to bring together creative content that is most relevant. This is also the case with private collectors with whom Virtosu Art Gallery works to create collections of abstract oil paintings that are both creatively relevant and a good investment.

Zainab Bint Muhamadd art investment
Zainab Bint Muhammad (2017)

Corporate Artwork

Of course, galleries aren’t the only destination for completed artworks. Virtosu Art Gallery helps collectors and corporations select appropriate artwork for collection, display, and art investment.

Companies seeking to invest in prestigious art collections as part of their interior décor will find Virtosu Art Gallery to be of tremendous help. We use our expertise, contacts and knowledge of the art market to source existing works of art and commission new pieces according to the specifications of the client whether it is paintings or sculptures.

Firms can benefit from Virtosu Art Gallery’s expertise in selecting artwork to complement their interiors. Working hand-in-hand with interior designers, we can source or commission pieces to suit the company, their budget and their taste and even provide the opportunity to invest in an asset that will appreciate in value.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, which painting is the fairest of them all?
Mirror: Ask your Art Consultant.

With years of experience and countless contacts in the industry, Virtosu Art Gallery can be a treasure trove of information for those who have discovered the passion for the abstract art style and important avant-garde masters like Gheorghe Virtosu.

Alien (2016) art investment
Alien (2016)

For a special piece for a home or a valuable investment, sourcing fine art is no easy feat and getting access to the right galleries or dealers can be tricky for those just starting out as collectors. Through industry connections, Virtosu Art Gallery can grant access and expert insight into the ever-changing and confusing marketplace, whether it be through visits to art fairs, private sales or galleries.

Art consultants are a great resource to anyone with a vested interest in the art industry. Working with artists and galleries, consultants help shape the artistic market by ensuring the production of art that will find willing purchasers while clients in galleries, corporations and private collections helps ensure the matching of artwork with appreciative homes.

About author Alina Livneva was born 1985 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. She studied at Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts. Educated in Russia and the United States. Lives in Miami. Has also lived in Russia. Modern Art. Contemporary Art. Collections expert, exhibitions and loans. E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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