20 Beautiful Abstract Oil Paintings. The Medium of Beautiful Art.
11 September '18
abstract paintings depicting great world personalities abstract art paintings

by Alina Livneva

11 September '18

20 Beautiful Abstract Oil Paintings. The Medium of Beautiful Art.

If we had to express in one word what makes great artists personalities different from others. Well, it’s their complexity. The special ones show tendencies of thought and action that in most people are segregated. They contain contradictory and rebellious extremes, possessing a multitude of individualism rather than singularity.

I work long hours, with great concentration, I enjoy the process of creation. My mind generates a great number of ideas, so I have the option of picking the unusual one”

Gheorghe Virtosu

Virtosu lives and works in London, Amsterdam, Luxembourg. The artist focuses on his knowledge experience to depict social phenomena and character. His modern abstract paintings are curated into complex thematics. Today we would like to introduce the viewer to the Great World Personalities theme in the works of the contemporary master.

Beautiful art of great world personalities (20-1)

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 20. Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein modern abstract art paintings
Albert Einstein (2017)

Einstein is the model for depicting of mad scientists and absent-minded professors; his expressive face and distinctive hairstyles have been widely copied and exaggerated. In concert with this attitude is this present oil painting, as we see a paean to intellectual freedom embodied in the figure's pulsing life of fluidity and in contrast between this and the ossified and crumbling background which pales in the light of the power of the human mind.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 19. Buddha in meditation

Buddha in meditation modern abstract art paintings
Buddha in Meditation (2017)

The incipient and delicately outlined orbs in this calmative blue-green background suggest a harmonious cosmos that seems to emanate outwards from the Buddha just as his state of contemplation has a pervasive influence in the world in the continuance of the global popularity of the Buddhist way of life.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 18. Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley modern abstract art paintings
Elvis Presley (2017)

Much to many portraits and paintings of Elvis Presley have been made during his lifetime and after his death that one could not imagine what a new painting of Elvis would look like. Furthermore, many feel overwhelmed with Elvis Presley’s paintings, portrait and sculptures. Virtosu’s pure genius as an artist leads him to the direction of an Elvis oil painting which none could imagine.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 17. Fatimah bint Muhammad

Fatimah bint Muhammad modern abstract art paintings
Fatimah bint Muhammad (2017)

To paint all four Prophet Muhammad daughters, the artist has used the same abstract composition with his signature expressive brushwork and biomorphic drawing. In that fusion of the smooth forms, one can easily recognize an angel-like, winged creature, which hints at the specific spiritual status of the personages. The fluidity of the lines evokes associations with the wittiness of Arabic calligraphy. A truly beautiful abstract art.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 16. Henry VIII of England

Henry VIII of England abstract art paintings
Henry VIII of England (2017)

The Henry VIII of England canvas becomes the substance the artist uses to ‘create’ the image of a largely remembered bully who executed his opponents, oversaw the destruction of religious buildings and works of art, and killed off two of his six wives. The painter rather follows natural forms of dynamics and movement.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 15. Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc abstract art paintings
Joan of Arc (2017)

A very intriguing approach to reflect on the famous words:

You say that you are my judge; I do not know if you are; but take good heed not to judge me ill, because you would put yourself in great peril.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 14. John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy abstract art paintings
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (2017)

If our vision can grasp landscapes and faces in the accident blots, the same way it can ‘deconstruct,’ eliminate the integrity of an object’s image. The artwork is an attempt to depict the famous words by John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 13. Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi abstract art paintings
Mahatma Gandhi (2017)

Gheorghe Virtosu pays tribute to this outstanding man who seems to know all about human soul and the strength of passion.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 12. Nostradamus

Nostradamus abstract art paintings
Nostradamus (2017)

Rather than being a portrait of a man or of his work, this abstract picture would seem to be a portrait of the lasting effect of both, as muted colors and tones purvey a general mood of foreboding.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 11. Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali abstract art paintings
Salvador Dali (2017)

In order to amplify the sense of contradiction, the artist captures those bold, improvisational brushstrokes within the clear, well-thought outlines of stylish drawing. A beautiful art tribute to a Grand Master.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 10. Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill beautiful abstract art paintings
Winston Churchill (2017)

The artist deftly weaves together a man and the elaborations and heavyweight of the myth-making surrounding his place in history. This canvas shows a man fighting a war. Dynamic angles, strident lines of daring and effervescent colourings of gold, reds, and blues intimate to us a turmoil in Europe during the Second World War.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 9. Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great beautiful abstract art paintings
Alexander the Great (2016)

So how do we tell the history of Alexander the Great, pulling apart the myths and legends and reconstructing an accurate narrative? It’s a difficult task, but it’s an important one because the history of Alexander is a history of the Greek empire, which had a massive influence on vast regions stretching across Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 8. Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus abstract art paintings
Christopher Columbus (2016)

The artist works on Christopher Columbus personality. Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World. He is remembered as the principal European discoverer of the Americas and he helped bring the Americas to the forefront of the western consciousness.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 7. Da Vinci

Da Vinci abstract art paintings

Da Vinci (2016)

The work of the great artist and inventor is hard to encapsulate within a single frame, but the piece creates a stunning effect of life and radiance.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 6. Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei beautiful abstract art paintings
Galileo Galilei (2016)

Virtosu has chosen to create a piece which features a celestial object resting firmly atop numerous abstract shapes.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 5. Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton beautiful abstract art paintings

Isaac Newton (2016)

Befitting the lofty title, this piece is stunning in its composition, framework, and structure. The artist has used numerous singular elements that come together in a complementary manner to create a cohesive piece that pays homage to great thinker.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 4. Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher beautiful abstract art paintings
Margaret Thatcher (2016), modern abstract paintings

The complexity of the woman and of the myths surrounding her, necessarily dictate here an aesthetic of complexity. Thus, lines that sweep broadly and eddy minutely and colours that clash, yet are held by their borders in a tense measure of adherence, and suggest a monumentality that is a paean to the indomitability of the iron lady spirit in adversity, be it private or political.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 3. Mozart

Mozart beautiful abstract art paintings
Mozart (2016)

Traditionally avoiding being literal in his pieces, Virtosu turns the personage into the dense and energetic flux of colours. And only some nuances provide us with the clue for reading it and reconstructing the author’s idea. The capacity of the abstract language enables the artist to avoid the cultural appropriation: the piece isn’t a straightforward replica of the massively popular character in the context, which is completely detached from the original environment.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 2. Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks beautiful abstract art paintings
Rosa Parks (2016)

Americans are convinced they know this civil rights hero. In textbooks and documentaries, she is the meek seamstress gazing quietly out of a bus window — a symbol of progress and how far we’ve come.

Abstract Art | Oil Painting 1. Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt beautiful abstract art paintings
Theodore Roosevelt (2016)

The canvas conveys the sense of drama and action through the complex and vibrant texture depicting the man leading Congress and the American public toward progressive reforms and robust foreign policy.

Will these works make it to the top of the most beautiful abstract paintings in the world? It definitely represents the spirit of modern abstract paintings. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today.

About author Alina Livneva was born 1985 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. She studied at Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts. Educated in Russia and the United States. Lives in Miami. Has also lived in Russia. Collections expert, exhibitions and loans. E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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