- The Woman of Power reflected in Gheorghe Virtosu oil painting
- Woman Politician canvas - the delicacy of the palette
- 18 June '18

by Alexandra Osadkova
18 June '18The Woman of Power reflected in Gheorghe Virtosu oil painting
The theme
For centuries the image of femininity was shaped around the ideas of vulnerability and irrationality. Women were (and sometimes still are) often compared to a fragile vase that requires constant care and protection. Although there is nothing wrong with the idea of protection and care, it becomes a serious issue, when a person (both man and woman) attempts to step beyond the socially-assigned gender role and reveal his or her real qualities, not those he or she is ‘supposed’ to have. Seeing women as dependent, weak creatures created the stereotype, which was the key impediment to gender equality.
Addressing the common vision of femininity, seen as the ultimate embodiment of, saying with the words from the children’s poem, “sugar and spice, and all that's nice”, the contemporary artist uses unusual for his canvases light, pastel background and subtle purple shades in the coloring of figures. Such delicacy of the palette causes the slight feeling of irrelevance since politics is normally connected with the notion of dominance, leadership and sometimes even aggression. Women in politics are encouraged to adopt some masculine behavior. Nevertheless, the contradiction between the coloring and the subject is softened by the inclusion of catchy warm tints of yellow, orange and red: they are ‘activate’ and enliven the main soft hues.
Expressive painting
Yin, the female side of classical oriental ‘Yin-Yang’ opposition, is traditionally defined as passive and slowness. But woman politician can’t afford this. She has to be in constant hustle; thus, the abstract art master chooses smooth, yet active winding lines to represent the state of flux. Their clarity remains almost uninterrupted by the brushwork:

Being a harmoniously composed piece, a closer analysis of Woman Politician oil painting unveils the various visual ‘oddities’ in it. They consonate with the number of inner and social conflicts a woman has to overcome if she wants to get into the political game.This oil painting also perfectly demonstrates the fact Gheorghe Virtosu’s art isn’t purely abstract.