
Vladimir Ambres Landscape Painter

Vladimir Ambres biography

Vladimir Ambres was born on April 24, 1970, in Moldova.

He was educated in the city of Murmansk, where he graduated from high school and children's art school in 1987. He continued his further education in Chisinau, where he graduated majoring in easel painting in 1992.

After graduation, he immediately transgressed to the independent creative activity of a free artist in the field of painting. Since 1999, he has been implementing an author's project called Amber Room.

Participates in exhibitions in countries of Eastern Europe, including Poland and Romania. Some of the author's works are exhibited in Germany and Italy.

Over 20 years of creative activity, the author has executed more than 100 paintings by the classical technique of oil on canvas, as well as on panels.

The paintings combine classical oil painting and a collage of amber, a color combination of minerals and gems. The collage gives the canvas a volume effect due to the relief of the minerals and amber. Combined with the artistic perspective, the composition is enhanced through frames made of natural wood of sloping red oak 200-300 years old.

The paintings are written in several genres. Landscapes are presented with humans and animals against the background of landscapes such as the Carpathian Mountains or the Alps of Germany, Austria, and northern Italy mountains of South Tyrol. These plots are slightly stylized with amber particles, giving the stories a sense of eternity.

Vladimir Ambres Artist statement

The Legend Of Count Roland,

Ciphers II, Lorraine Cooke at  Virtosu Art Gallery
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