Couple of the universe (2016) oil painting Description
The cosmos can be a fascinating topic for any artist, but Virtosu manages to dive deeper into the subject than most of his peers through this wonderfully complex and profound piece. The elements that constitute the painting “Couple of the Universe” include a plethora of simplistic and dynamic shapes.
We can easily spot what appears to be a green gaseous planet, a black hole, a red sun being eclipsed by an alien body, and other astronomical phenomenon that are associated with the universe. These seemingly unrelated elements intertwine with one another and take a larger shape due to the brilliant foreground created by the artist. The title of the painting suggests that the central figures are meant to be a couple, but this name is only meant to highlight the duality in creation and the nature of life itself. We see life and death embracing each other in a delicate dance at all points in the cosmos, and this is one of the intended meanings for the term “Couple” used by the artist. The paintings is brought alive with the help of a powerful and overwhelming background, bursting with radiant shades of vermillion and crimson.
This combination of patterns appears very much like a nebula or the afterglow of a gigantic explosion such as the big bang or a supernova. The sheer enormity and intricacy of the cosmos is duly represented by Virtosu in this stunning work. The title draws attention to the fact that despite the universe being an incomprehensible filled with majesty and wonder, life takes center stage in the grand arena.
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