”Schumacher`s new race competition”, a work dating back to 2015, a year after the Formula One driver`s ski accident, put forward on a grave black background the turns and twists taken by the one who was thought to have been favoured by the angels in his races. Set out on a different road then, with a new competition ahead, the life of the F1 god is juxtaposed with the dynamics of the Grand Prix`s racetracks – dynamic spaces that were known by heart before the driver dared even to sit behind the wheel are now altered, becoming unknown roads on which man must drive at even higher speeds. The broken splashes of colour with little to no graphic detail, enmeshed as if on the run themselves, haze the tendency of believing the future must be known beforehand in order for one to outrun it. Facing now brutal transitions from one colour to another, Schumacher, as well as the viewer, move through various sceneries unknowingly. With the eye of a bird, the panoramic view of Vîrtosu`s artwork puts a spell on our innocent gaze, bringing back the primacy of the new in a timeframe that has put behind such endeavours.
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