As we step into the world of G. Vîrtosu, we are transported to strange, beautiful realms.
Vîrtosu believes in the power of imagination. The viewer is invited to meet various characters and their coming into being as individuals. Vîrtosu told us a while ago that:
'I would rather create a system than be a slave. I will not reason & compare; I aim to create.' And he did just that, he created his visuals populated by a host of beings that he invented, or re-interpreted. He offers no artistic verdicts, but variations, rhizomatic histories or perspectives as that is the system which cultivates imagination and therefore freedom of being.
As the West's 21st-century culture drifts ever further away from the richly illustrated fables, myths and narratives which are foundational to the religious traditions, art itself becomes more and more distanced from personal truths and the individual soul. It no longer calls for what is beyond expression, the ineffable, but unfortunately dictates political scenarios. Vîrtosu departs from this new tradition with his efforts directed to education and his artworks revive a personal relationship, creating a context of meeting between the viewer and the artistic object.
He appeals to intuition and to moving from outside realities to inside ones, from imposed dogmatic formulas and creeds to the person's mystical or psyche experience of reality.
"I must, therefore, make a new sort of beauty, the beauty that appears to people in terms of volume, of line, of mass, of weight. Through that beauty, one expresses a subjective belief. I want to expose the story and not merely the factitious."